Where is the school located exactly?
CARE International School is located at #27, Thayanur, Trichy-Didigul NH , Trichy- 620 009.
The school is located within the CARE GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS CAMPUS. It is 6 miles away from Trichy central Bus stand (Junction).

Is your school affiliated to any educational body in India?
Yes, it is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Affiliation No# 1930277.

Period of affiliation: 01.04.21 to 31.3.2025

What is the age requirement for admission?

As per NEP, 4 years should be complete for admission into LKG.

What is the admission procedure at CARE International School?
Procure Application form from the school office or apply online.
Fill the application form with correct information.
Enclose all the documents and submit the filled-in application form at the school office within 3 working days. A written test and Interaction with the students will be arranged.

Selected students will be intimated through email/phone.

How do we pay for the application fees?
The application fees may be paid in cash at the time of buying the application form.

What are the documents to be enclosed during submission of Application form?
Enclosures during submission of application forms are as follows:
• Report card/ Mark statement / Equivalence certificate
• Transfer Certificate (Original)
• Copy of Passport for NRI applicants
• Copy of Birth Certificate
• Copy of community Certificate
• Copy of residential proof

Is there any preference for siblings in the admission process?
Yes, siblings get preferential admission, if there is space in the grade applied for and the child meets the admission criteria. A special sibling concession is also available.

I am currently working overseas. Can the admission process be done online?
There is no option to download the application form online as of now. The application form can be acquired from the school office on all working days between 8.50 a.m and 4.10 p.m. by sending any of your local representatives. The form can be submitted by the same by attaching the scanned documents.
If I am relocating from one country to another, which class would my child be admitted at your School?
If your child comes from any other school mid-session, generally the child continues in the same class or grade in which he/she was studying at the previous school. If your child has completed a particular class/grade at the school, then the child would join in the next grade.

Can my child seek admission during middle of the academic session?
CARE International School does allow mid-year admissions to children who are relocating with their parents, based on the availability of vacancies in the respective class.

Whom to contact for admission?
To gain more information on admissions, mail your queries to cis@care.ac.in

Is the school co-educational?

What are the languages taught in the school and for which age group?
Tamil and Hindi are offered.

What are the co-curricular activities offered at CARE International School?
Extra Curricular activities like Dance, Karate, Vocal Music, Guitar, Keyboard, Yoga, Skating, Gymnastics, Silambam, Animation and Art and Craft are taught by professionally qualified and trained teachers.
Students are encouraged to be a part of clubs that expand his or her horizons and helps them to define their interests and allows positive bonding experience for the future. Few of the clubs of choice are Literary and Debate, Dance Club, Art & Craft club, General Studies and Quiz, Eco, Science and Math, Animation, Health and Hygiene club.

How do I reach or communicate with my child’s teachers?
You can meet your child’s teachers during Parent – Teacher meetings. Parents can also take prior appointment to meet the teachers in school. Please seek an appointment with the teacher by sending a request through school email.

When can I meet the Principal?
Parents can meet the principal in her office on any working day of the school. All the issues related to the student will only be discussed with his/her parent. Please seek an appointment with the principal by sending a request through school email.

What is the purpose of the school diary?
The school diary is a tool of communication between the teachers and the parents. A lot of information is available in the school diary and parents are requested to check it regularly for school events, announcements, celebrations, assessments, holidays etc. Homework will be sent through school diary. Parent can also send their queries and requests to class teachers through diary.

Does CARE International School provide school bus facility for students?
Yes, CARE International School provides hassle free school transport service and a responsible adult to help the commuters in boarding the school bus at common boarding points.

What kind of emergency medical facilities do you have on campus?
The school has a medical room with first aid facilities. We also have a tie up with the Maruti Hospitals for emergency conditions.

Does CARE International School offer hostel facilities?

How are parents informed about the progress of their ward?
Parents are informed about their child’s progress at the end of each semester. They can meet teachers on scheduled PTMs.

How are parents involved in the school community?
We value parents as partners in the holistic development of their children. Teachers and administrators have an open door policy and welcome parents to communicate with us. Parents take up volunteer positions in school events and activities, and share their professional expertise at times.

Does the school support professional development for the teachers to learn and apply ‘best practices’?
Yes, we empower educators to adopt and implement effective teaching methodologies to update oneself and catch up the latest trends in imparting world class education. Monthly events and workshops are delivered benefiting education professionals to focus on Leadership, Teaching and Learning, ICT, Literacy and Language, Performing Arts, Wellness program etc. Online, in-house service training, in-person expert training are conducted on a regular basis at CARE.

How do I get in touch with the school?
You can reach out to us through email: cis@care.ac.in

Admission Enquiry
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