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Rockcity Sahodyaya CBSE Interschool Kabaddi Tournament

CARE International School is not only a centre for educational excellence but also a centre for excellence in sports and games. We are very proud to state that this year also we got the opportunity to host the Rockcity Sahodyaya CBSE Interschool Kabaddi Tournament for boys under 19 and under 14 category.

Fourteen schools participated in the tournament. The final result was as follows:


  1. Winner’s Trophy – Cauvery International School (Manaparai).
  2. Runner’s up Trophy -Sri Vageesha Vidhyaashram.
  3. 3rd position – CARE International School and Brilliant school.


  1. Winner’s Trophy – CARE International School.
  2. Runner’s up Trophy – Chellamal Vidhyashram, Vengur.
  3. 3rd position – Sacred Heart and SRM.

All the teams followed the rules and regulations of the games and played to the best of their capacity. All the participants and winners were congratulated for their sincere efforts and achievements.

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