img-20161025-wa0002IIMUN Conference Kodaikanal chapter
It’s fun to pretend being a world leader solving the world’s most important problems in 48 hours or less. 13 students of our school participated in the Indian International Model United Nations conference held at Kodaikanal from 21st Oct 2016 to 23rd Oct 2016. This 3 days long conference provided opportunities to the students to practice research, public speaking, teamwork, negotiation, and writing skills in a safe and structured environment. Our students represented as delegates from Germany, Japan and Senegal to UNSC, delegates from Pakistan, Albania, Austria, Italy and Sri Lanka to HRC and delegates for International Press. The following topics were discussed in different committees.
• UNSC – Education as a tool to combat terror
• UNHRC – The Universal recognition of LGBT rights
In this era of globalization, learning about the world is more important than ever. The student delegates discussed, debated and passed resolutions on the given international issues. They understood and followed the international rules and regulations. This conference not only helped students to explore on new topics and new places but also enhanced leadership and problem solving skills. They learnt from each other and made new friends with bright and interesting students from other schools.
The conference does not replace the classroom – the conference complements the classroom.

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